arnolds march historical society, Maine

Arnold Expedition Historical Society

Welcome to The Arnold Expedition Historical Society

colburn house

The Arnold Expedition Historical Society is a 501(c)3 corporation established in 1973 in anticipation of the bicentennial of the expedition in 1975. It then organized and carried out the only large-scale reenactment of the “March to Quebec” ever undertaken. Today, the society owns land and historic easements along the route of the expedition.

The headquarters of the AEHS is the Major Reuben Colburn House in Pittston, Maine. Build in 1775 the house is now a State of Maine Historical site.  

The society also maintains hiking trails along the route of the expedition. The Arnold Expedition Historical Society has erected trail signs. An example is this one found on West Carry Pond near Arnold Point. The Appalachian Trail follows the Great Carry Route and is the only section of the AT to follow a Revolutionary war route. 

Every season we always strive to refresh our signage and add new signs that will enhance the overall education of the public as they hike these trails.

Arnold-expedition-portage route

The society also maintains hiking trails along the route of the expedition and works to collect and document information about the expedition and its participants, and the preservation of artifacts.

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