arnolds march historical society, Maine

Arnold Expedition Historical Society

Audio and Video Booth

Welcome to the Audio and Video Booth!
Below is a partial, but growing list of audio and video clips.

Duluth Wing and the Arnold Trail Expedition. Artifacts and relics from the Benedict Arnold Expedition.

The Arnold Bateaux
Bob Cunningham interviews Cecil Pierce both founding members of the AEHS about bateau construction.

Cecil Pierce 3
Discusses the adventures of he and another founding member, Dude Wing, on their canoe trip along the Arnold Expedition route.

“AEQ ’75” – The 200th Anniversary Reenactment, 1975
Bob Cunningham discusses the history of the Arnold Expedition Historical Society and the bicentennial reenactment of Arnold’s March.

The March
Duluth “Dude” Wing, another founding member, discusses the society’s work and the march for a recording project. (2008)

The March – Artifacts
Duluth “Dude” Wing, another founding member, discusses the society’s work and the march for a recording project. (2008)

The Arnold Trail
A 90 second audio clip from the 1960s describing the Arnold Trail through Maine.

The Arnold’s March Song
The Walls of Quebec – A song about Arnold’s March to Quebec written and performed by Eric Wight in 1975.

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
Winter Speaker Series 2018-2019. Arnold’s 1775 Quebec Expedition and Its Passage Through Merrymeeting Bay

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