arnolds march historical society, Maine

Arnold Expedition Historical Society

Nichols Cabin Reservations

To reserve the Nichols Cabin please fill out the Application Form below. AEHS will review the application and reply back accepting or denying the application. Please review the Calendar before selecting the dates you apply for.

AEHS Campsite and cabin use policy.
Rough draft 10-25-24

The campsite and the Nichols cabin have a limited amount of space and toilet capacity.
The Carry Ponds Area roads are administered by the Carry Ponds Association.
The land in the Carry Ponds area is privately owned or administered by the National Park Service.
It is important to be considerate of the other landowners in the area.

A small group is 5 or less people.
A large group is 6 or more people.
Overnight use of the cabin and campsite will be limited to a total of 25 people.

Absolutely no firewood will be bought in. Firewood is available at no charge from the woodshed on site.
Fires are only allowed at the fire ring near the cabin. If conditions are hazardous no fires are allowed.
Any fire shall be extinguished before leaving the site.
Any trash will be carried out.

Any small groups wanting to use the campsite can note it on the AEHS website – Google Calendars.
On the AEHS website fill out the cabin form and submit. A designated person will reply and post it on the website calendar. The campsite is open to hikers so you may be sharing it with others.

Any AEHS member that wants to use the cabin can fill out the cabin form on the AEHS website and submit it. A designated person will reply and post it on the website. Donations will be accepted for
Use of the cabin that is not AEHS related.

Any large group wanting to use the cabin and or campsite will receive permission from the trail committee.

Large groups wanting to day hike the trail should coordinate with the trail committee if they need logistical support.

The trail committee shall appoint a person to liaison with any large groups using the cabin or campsite.

This policy shall be posted at the cabin, tent site and AEHS website.




Our membership includes people from Maine to California and points in between. Below are our membership fees:

  • Individual Member $30
  • Family Membership $35
  • Contributing Member $75
  • Life Membership $250 (one time payment)

To become a member, contact Fred Clark.

Click here to Email Fred Clark

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